Api sn vs sp. Arti Kode Oli API SN & SL.
Api sn vs sp g. ILSAC GF-6 — corresponds to the new SP standardization. The latest API rating for gasoline engines is “SN”. (16) The aged oil is an end-of-test sample generated either in the Sequence II-IHA test (ASTM D8111) , IIIGA test (ASTM D7320) or the ROBO test (ASTM D7528). 1 Dexos. Apa Perbedaan Standar API SL dan SN? Perbedaan utama antara API SL dan SN terletak pada kualitasnya. Apr 17, 2019 · API SN PLUS Approved API SN Approved API SM Meets Requirements API SL Meets Requirements API SJ, SH, SG, SF, SE, SD, SC Meets Requirements . 9 and 3. C. It brings several benefits over the previous API rating. Find out which oils are suitable for different vehicles and fuels based on the charts and standards. API SP será totalmente compatible con versiones anteriores de las categorías de servicios de API, incluidas API SN PLUS, SN, SM, SL o SJ. Not required for API SP or SN. 5 respectively. ในที่นี่ ขอเปรียบเทียบคุณสมบัติส่วนที่ api sp มีพัฒนาขึ้นมาจาก api sn เพราะในบ้านเรามาตรฐานล่าสุดที่ใช้กันเป็นส่วนใหญ่คือ api sn Sep 4, 2020 · The API SP standard is fully backward compatible with previous API specifications, including API SM, SN and SN Plus. The new specification is designed to achieve greater fuel economy and provide increased protection against Low-Speed Pre-Ignition and timing chain wear found in Turbo Gasoline Direct Injection (TDGI) engines, compared to motor oils Aug 27, 2013 · Great question, logcar. 0W40, 5W40, 20W50, etc), and not for API SL. API 등급은 가솔린 차량의 엔진오일 등급으로, 높은 등급일수록 1) 연비를 향상시키고, 2) 오일 증발량을 감소시켜 3) 매연가스의 배출량이 줄어 든다. Mar 6, 2024 · As stated above, in most cases the SP is backwards compatible with previous API SL or SN rated motor oils. 현기 순정오일은 왜 sp 등급 못만드는걸까요? 언제까지 프리미엄 저마찰lf sm 등급을 넣어야하는지 May 19, 2019 · API (American Pettroleum Institute)의 SN, SM, SN플러스 등급 API는 보시는 바와 같이 미국석유협회이다. Jan 2, 2020 #3 Výhody použití olejů dle normy API SN: Vylepšený výkon motoru: Díky vynikajícímu výkonu API SN olej pomáhá motoru běžet efektivněji, zlepšuje výkon, výkon a účinnost. API-SO is for “standard oil” which is still sold in some regions which is why they skipped that letter. Carry on. To ensure engine oils are certified to provide the added performance benefits required to meet the demands of modern engine technology – including, engine downsizing, gasoline direct injection (GDI), turbocharging and gasoline particulate filters (GPFs) – the American Petroleum Institute (API) announced the adoption of API Service Category SP, available for licensing on May 1, 2020. This system requires that few tests from individual manufacturers be added later for certification. Dec 17, 2015 · This contradicts what you said above, ''If an oil is of the viscosity grade 0W-20/30, 5W-20/30, or 10W-30 and carries the API SP then it would qualify to be ILSAC GF-6A labeled'' That is seemingly incorrect, the RC part of API SP-RC, is not a redundancy as you say, it is an additional classification with additional tests/more stringent API SP odpovídá ILSAC GF-6A Um, že kombinuje výkonnost API SP se zlepšenou úsporou paliva, ochranou systémů řízení emisí a ochranou motorů pracujících s palivy obsahujícími etanol až do E85. May 22, 2024 · API SP oils offer backward compatibility, allowing them to be used in engines previously requiring API SN, API SM, and earlier specifications. ILSAC GF-4 and GF-5 are analogues of SM and SN respectively. "API SP dikembangkan dari API SN yang sudah ada 10 tahun lalu pada 2010," kata Arief. API SP represents an improvement on API SN, an oil category developed in 2010. ¿Es API SL superior a SJ? Los aceites que cumplen con la categoría de servicio API SL tienen un rendimiento superior a los que cumplen con API SJ y anteriores y pueden lubricar de manera efectiva los Launching API SP handled this situation. Arti Kode Oli API SN & SL. ILSAC GF-6A thích hợp với các loại xe sử dụng dầu bôi trơn GF-5, trong khi, GF-6B chỉ có thể thay thế (tương thích) trong trường hợp động cơ cũng sử dụng loại Jul 15, 2020 · 2015 - 2020 Ford F150 - API SN PLUS VS SP Oil Rating - Anyone know the difference between these API ratings? I looked on the back of the Pennzoil Ultra Platinum bottle, I noticed it had the SP rating and i know for sure it had SN plus before. Oleje API CK-4 překračují výkonnostní kritéria API CJ-4, CI-4 a CH-4 a mohou efektivně mazat motory vyžadující tyto kategorie API. Conozca la clasificación API SN PLUS, la nueva especificación para aceites de motores turboalimentados. Thus, standards such as GF-6A and GF-6B, and API SP are all encompassing. 미국석유협회(API)는 국가명만 들어도 인지도가 느껴지는 세계 표준 규격화된 협회입니다 . Arief Hidayat, Founder dan CEO PT Welty Indah Perkasa (Wealthy Group) mengatakan oli mesin API SP adalah standar pelumas terbaru yang dikeluarkan oleh American Petroleum Institute (API) pada tahun 2020. May 1, 2020 · The new ILSAC GF-6 and API SP specifications for passenger car motor oil will launch on May 1, 2020, directly affecting both installers and consumers. 0W20, 5W30, etc) in API SN, but not for thicker oils (e. Aug 1, 2017 · It's all in the Phos levels which are restricted for ILSAC-RC viscosity grades (e. sn plus 규격 자체가 sp 엔진오일 규격으로 가기 위한 준비 단계였단 생각이 강하게 드네요~ 그리고 새로운 api sp 규격은 ilsac-6와 거의 비슷한 요구사항을 지닙니다. May 12, 2020 · Compared to ILSAC GF-5/API SN, the latest ILSAC GF-6/ API SP oils raise the bar in almost every dimension of performance. Oct 7, 2012 · How sensitive are these to LSPI, and needing API SP oil? I run it on 93, because that's what it says to Can the wrong oil really cause it to burn a hole in a piston, or was that only the 1. Hence M1 or Edge 0W40 can have 1000ppm Phos and 1100 ppm Zinc and be A3/B4 and API SN, while the same quality oil with the same ZDDP levels in Edge 5W30 must Jan 13, 2011 · theres a shell API SN/CF and also a shell API SN - why the differentiation? if we are buying it for a gasoline engine application. SP is the API’s newest service category. API SP sendiri merupakan pengembangan dari grade sebelumnya SM dan SN. It is SP. CharBaby. API SP to SJ are for newer cars, while API SH to SA are for older ones. The oil formulations for API SP are specifically designed to help prevent LSPI in TGDI engines. Apr 11, 2019 · I'm probably use the SN synthetic assuming it's a decent brand and it carries Dexos1gen2, API SP brought up the baseline quite a bit on the low end, but that's all it only guarantees that lowest tier oils are any better, I doubt much change occurred in synthetics between the SP/GF-6A switch over especially if they were already Dexos1 Gen2, SP and GF-6a adopted standards from manufacturer specs Mar 11, 2021 · As seen by the differences in the API SN and SN PLUS samples examined by PQIA, the average of the SN PLUS formulations shows lower calcium and higher magnesium levels than API SN. Não é recomendável que os óleos API FA-4 sejam usados com combustíveis com teor de enxofre superior a 15 ppm. GF-3 — is analogue of API SL category and is introduced since 2001. Selanjutnya SJ dirancang untuk mobil keluaran 2001 dan Oct 11, 2020 · 가솔린/LPG 엔진을 위한 gdi엔진오일의 새 규격 API SP 등급이 출시되었습니다. It is designed for use in gasoline engines, including those with turbochargers and direct injection. Unfortunately Pennzoil Platinum Ultra is not MB-approved for my engine, otherwise I would use it. Why even mention the CF performance if it doesnt matter? next i was also asking about the sequence - one product claims API CF/SF vs another product claiming API SF/CF - is there a difference in the product performance? Dec 29, 2010 · The Sequence IX LSPI test is well known in the industry, it was developed on Ford hardware for the API specifications and was first introduced to API SN Plus. Seperti API SF sampai API SN Plus, yang jadi klasifikasi baru sejak Mei 2018. Jan 1, 2009 · Not to be confused with tying people up and whipping them, which I'm quite sure API no longer endorses. API SP, das vom American Petroleum Institute im Jahr 2020 veröffentlicht wurde, unterstützt sowohl moderne als auch ältere Motoren. The new specification is designed to achieve greater fuel economy and provide increased protection against Low-Speed Pre-Ignition and timing chain wear found in Turbo Gasoline Direct Injection (TDGI) engines, compared to motor oils Jun 17, 2021 · Tiêu chuẩn SN plus chỉ là bổ sung thêm hiệu quả cho nền tảng công nghệ dầu nhớt SN. If Motorcraft oil is not available, use motor oils of the recommended viscosity grade that meet API SN requirements and display the API Certification Mark for gasoline engines. Oct 11, 2022 · รู้หรือไม่ว่า API SN กับ API SP แตกต่างกันอย่างไร? API SN และ API SP คือ May 10, 2019 · Standar API dibuat oleh American Petrolium Institute sebagai rating oli mesin dengan kategori seperti SN sampai SF Mengenal Rating API Oli Motor, Apa Artinya dan Mana yang Terbaik? - Motorplus Sep 11, 2016 · The more modern API spec SN has tighter limits for things like deposit control (good) but it also has tighter limits on Zinc / Phos levels for xW-20 and xW-30 oils. The most important factors include need to improve fuel economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions […] Nov 16, 2019 · Well if past is precedence I'd say that SN will eventually fade away from Wally's shelves as more and more new vehicle owners manuals begin to spec API SP/GF-6 and command space on the shelves. Oil marketers may now license oils meeting ILSAC GF-6A as ILSAC GF-5 and API SN, GF-6B as API SN and API SP as API SN. This standard signifies a significant leap in engine oil technology, meeting the rigorous demands of modern, high-performance engines. In my understanding the higher SAPS and higher HTHS of A3/B4 should protect more the engine. When using CJ-4 oil with higher than 15 ppm sulfur fuel, consult the engine manufacturer for service interval. Los aceites SN del API cumplen todos los requisitos de la clasificación SN PLUS. Quaker State Defy was made specifically for High Mileage, Classic or “out of warranty” vehicles. Baca Juga: Keunggulan Oppo Reno 12 Series yang Layak Kamu Beli. Entérese, además, de cómo Pennzoil responde a la API SN PLUS y brinda protección al rendimiento de su motor. Mantener el rendimiento de su vehículo implica proteger los motores turboalimentados del pre‑encendido de baja velocidad (LSPI). That said, yes, for me ACEA > API if only Aug 20, 2021 · Pada alfabet kedua menjelaskan kualitas yang terbaru dari oli. They also provide improved oxidation resistance, better fuel economy, and increased engine cleanliness. Rating API, jadi kode standar yang menentukan kualitas oli. API SN oils offer superior protection against wear, deposits, and sludge compared to previous specifications like API SM. In 1970, along with the SAE and ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), they established the API Service Classification System to define the performance level of a given oil, unrelated in the main, to oil viscosity. S. Dầu nhớt MORRISON luôn đạt phẩm cấp cao nhất SN/CF cho cả máy xăng và dầu. Moly is mostly for friction reduction and much less anti-wear. api sp มีอะไรใหม่. TOM: So, since your vehicle calls for SG or better, your engine can run on anything from SG through SM. 세계 자동차시장에서 미국이 워낙 힘이 좋고 많은 판매가 이루어지기 때문에 많은 자동차 제조사들이 이들 규격을 베이스로 깔고 Dec 9, 2022 · Which is better, API SN or SP? API SP is the latest motor oil API service category introduced in May 2020. Most oils sold as SN Plus for the last year or so were ready to be certified as SP, but they couldn't officially do so until May 1, 2020 Apr 9, 2020 · API SP replaces all API SN. For instance: If you own a car from 1987 requiring an API SF oil and only have oils with API SH and SL available, the oil with SH level would be most suitable. Apr 27, 2023 · Minyak mesin tersebut harus memenuhi standar tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh American Petroleum Institute atau API. 차주분들이 꼭 알아야 하는 등급은 2020년에 도입된 api sp 등급입니다. API SP. Thời kỳ đầu, dầu nhớt có API SN PLUS was a supplemental service category adopted by the API to provide consumers with motor oils that reduced the occurrence of LSPI in TGDI engines while the ILSAC GF-6 was being developed. The General Motors’ dexos1 TM Gen 2 specification, introduced in 2017, is well aligned with ILSAC GF-6 , although it does provide additional performance in some areas such as sludge, aeration and volatility, due to drain interval. El símbolo de servicio de API FA-4 Los sellos FA-4 y FA-4 Donut identifican a Azoknál a termékeknél, ahol az API SN szabvány kiegészül a „Resource Conserving” megjelöléssel, ott a teljesítményszint megegyezik az ILSAC GF-5 követelményeivel, azaz az API SN szabvány követelményein túl, az olaj javított üzemanyag-takarékossággal, turbófeltöltő-védelemmel és kipufogógáz utókezelő rendszer API SP API SP is the newer of the two specifications, and was introduced in 2017. Learn everything you need to know about the International Lubricants Standardization and Approval Committee’s (ILSAC) new motor oil specification, ILSAC GF-6. API SP is better than the API SN, and this oil category is fully backward-compatible with older API service categories. A API SP é similar à ILSAC GF-6A. Aug 17, 2021 · Tiêu chuẩn API SP hoàn toàn tương thích ngược với các thông số kỹ thuật API trước đó, bao gồm API SM, SN và SN Plus. Our more than 600 corporate members, from the largest major oil company to the smallest of independents, come from all segments of the industry. Ada pula SL untuk mobil lansiran 2004 dan lebih tua. Dengan melihat kode API ini Anda akan bisa melihat oli itu untuk kendaraan apa dan tingkat kualitasnya. API SP oils meet all of the requirements of API SN, plus they provide additional benefits such as: Improved protection against low-speed pre-ignition (LSPI) Apr 6, 2020 · Engine - significantly worn 2001 Chrysler 3. If you want to keep your 759-hp Lamborghini Aventador SVJ V12 running well, you have to keep it full of the best oil. Do not use oil labeled with API SN service category unless the label also displays the API certification mark. The same can be seen with the new API SP Service Category, and for the same reason; to protect engines from potentially severe damage due to LSPI. Apr 14, 2023 · sn 등급은 2010년에 도입되었으며, 10년도 더 된 등급의 엔진오일입니다. API sendiri merupakan sebuah asosiasi perdagangan dan lembaga penguji, serta pemeriksa kualitas pelumas yang mewakili segmen industri gas alam, dan minyak. API Category SP motor oils provide countless performance benefits compared to the current API SN and API SN PLUS oils, in case of spark ignited internal combustion engines. I presume that this is a useable oil for this application, having the SN designation? I read a few threads that made it sound good, but none which explicitly answered this. Ada beberapa kategori minyak mesin lain selain API SL dan SN, seperti API SJ, SM, dan SN Plus. Learn about the latest API Service Categories for engine oil, including SN and SP, and how they compare to earlier categories. Vylepšená ochrana motoru: Olej API SN poskytuje spolehlivou ochranu motoru proti opotřebení, korozi a tvorbě usazenin, což zvyšuje životnost motoru. CI-4Introduced in 2002. What is Low-Speed Pre-Ignition? Low-Speed Pre-Ignition (LSPI) is an abnormal combustion phenomenon observed at low engine speeds in which the fuel/air mixture in the combustion chambers Nov 12, 2010 · 결론적으로 sn plus등급 엔진오일보다 sp등급 엔진오일이 성능이 강화되었다고 볼 수 있습니다. Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse Das 2020 ตารางเปรียบเทียบ จุดเด่นและความแตกต่างของมาตรฐาน api sl (2544) – api sp (2563) รูป : ตารางเปรียบเทียบจุดเด่นและความแตกต่างในแต่ละ API Jun 8, 2018 · Arti kode API. 5T in Chevys? I just exchanged PP 0w20 SN for PP 0w20 SP at Home Depot, because I was afraid of using the older spec SN/Dexos oil in it Does it really matter? Feb 28, 2004 · On their site, if you order the 3, 6, 9, 12 pack of 5qt 5w30, the picture of the jug showed SN oil. What is the difference between API SN and SP? The difference between API SN and SP grades is that SP includes all the requirements of SN plus some additional specifications, and SP oils should not be more expensive than SN oils. API cũng dự kiến sẽ công bố chứng nhận cho các loại dầu nhớt thế hệ mới nhất API SP vào tháng 5/2020. Jun 26, 2024 · When choosing between API SN and SP, consider your vehicle's specific needs and follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the best performance and longevity. Normally, combustion happens simultaneously with Sep 6, 2021 · Saat ini standarisasi pelumas mesin mobil bensin tertinggi dari American Petroleum Institute saat ini adalah API SP. Max HTHS of C6 and A7/B7 are 2. A especificação API SP foi desenvolvida para oferecer protecção contra a pré-ignição a baixa rotação (LSPI), melhor economia de combustível, melhor protecção do motor e melhor estabilidade ao envelhecimento do óleo. API’s “SP” service category is derived from ILSAC GF-6 and licensed to motor oils for gasoline engines. Thread starter W9HDG; Start date Sep 12 API SL/SM Spec in the middle of SN era OilUzer; Sep 11, 2024; Passenger Car Motor Oil (PCMO Sep 26, 2022 · The OEM oil is Honda 0w-20, API SN and, I belive ACEA A5/B5 (not sure) Some time ago I decided to change to 0w-40 (all others performance small cars use 0w-40 or 5w-40 oils), stick to API SN but go with ACEA A3/B4. Aplicar o que existe de melhor hoje, é garantir um futuro com menos problemas no motor. ILSAC GF-6 applies to the fuel efficient viscosity grades, while API SP applies to those heavier viscosity grades like 10W40 and 20W50. Joined May 25, 2005 Messages 16,066 Location ROCHESTER, NY. Jul 25, 2018 · GM put it in their own spec (dexos1g2) and others are following suit, but not all OEMs issue their own specs - some rely wholly on API/ILSAC and viscosity so there was a demand for an industry-wide update, quicker than the next sequence could be developed, so SN was tweaked a bit and called SN Plus. Los propietarios de vehículos deben consultar sus manuales del propietario antes de recurrir a estas tablas. Mar 2, 2004 · A discussion thread about the API SN+ and SP specifications for motor oil, with examples of vehicles that require SP oil and differences in pour point. SN: The Latest API Rating For Gasoline Engines. As for the case of SN and SN Plus API classification oils, according to the API, the SN PLUS classification was specifically designed to address the phenomenon of High Load / Low Speed pre-ignition (LSPI) while still providing the regular benefits of the SN classification. FA-4 speciální motorové oleje pro vznětové motory modelové řady od roku 2017 s viskozitními třídami SAE xW-30 a pro používání motorové nafty s velmi nízkým obsahem síry pod 15 ppm. 4. API SP will be fully backward-compatible with previous API service categories, including API SN PLUS, SN, SM, SL or SJ. No cats. Subaru relies on API and they're not really worried about LSPI with your vehicle because they allow for SN. Feb 9, 2022 · sp ดีกว่า sn เน้นป้องกันการชิงจุดระเบิดในรอบต่ำของรถเทอร์โบและรถหัวฉีดตรง ถ้าเป็นรถอื่นๆใช้ sn กับ sp อาจจะไม่ได้ประโยชน์อะไรที่ต่างกันแบบจับ Sep 24, 2023 · The car was filled-in with API SJ, API SL, API SM, API SN oils and is likely to get some API SP oil in the future. Users share their opinions, experiences and links to product data sheets. API SN Plus: Zavedeno v květnu 2018 May 10, 2019 · API, merupakan singkatan American Petrolium Institute, organsisasi yang memberikan rating tersebut. Such benefits include: Improved fuel economy API CJ-4 oils exceed the performance criteria of API CI-4 with CI-4 PLUS, CI-4, CH-4, CG-4 and CF-4 and can effectively lubricate engines calling for those API Service Categories. Kemudian kalau API SM, khusus mobil 2010 dan yang lebih tua. Te contamos qué significa: ¿Qué es API SP y SN? API SP es el nuevo estándar mínimo de aceite de motor desarrollado para abordar las necesidades críticas de los Aceites Rogil - ¿Tu aceite dice API SP o SN? May 29, 2016 · API SP vs Gen. Its introduction into A7/B7 and C6 is planned at API SP limits, which is supported by all stakeholders. Learn about GF-6, the newest ILSAC engine oil performance standard. sp 등급에서 타이밍 체인 마모도 테스트가 추가. Manfaat dari spesifikasi API-SP dan API-SN selain peningkatan stabilitas oksidasi juga dapat API SN oils are backwards compatible to API SM oil. Sedangkan Castrol ACTIV yang sebelumnya API-SL menjadi API-SN,” papar Ekza. If you want/prefer the pre SN+ levels of Cal/Mag you're gonna have to hunt it down. Jun 1, 2022 · GF-2 — meets the oil quality requirements of API SJ, and viscosity requirements of SAE 0W-20, 5W-20. api sn หรือ api sp : api sn: api sp: ปีที่เริ่มใช้: 2010: 2020: ช่วยประหยัดเชื้อเพลิง Feb 22, 2009 · Note: New ACEA categories C6 and A7/B7 do use the same LSPI and chain wear tests of API SP. Los aceites pueden tener más de un nivel de rendimiento. May 1, 2020 · API SP . In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie sich API SP von früheren Standards wie API SN abhebt und die Motorleistung und Lebensdauer Ihres Fahrzeugs verbessert. Nov 2, 2024 · tertinggi. The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the only national trade association that represents all aspects of America’s oil and natural gas industry. Los aceites con especificación API SN ofrecen un mayor nivel de protección contra el desgaste y la formación de depósitos, así como una viscosidad más estable y una mayor resistencia a la oxidación, lo que mejora el rendimiento del motor y reduce el consumo de combustible en comparación con los aceites con especificación API SL. Contohnya API SP dan SN merupakan kode terbaru yang cocok untuk kendaraan keluaran 2020, serta yang lebih tua. API stands for American Petroleum Institute. 9/6. If you buy individually, it showed the newer SP formula. La clasificación SN PLUS, cuando se incorporó, identificaba a los aceites SN del API que cumplían con un nivel superior de desempeño. (17) The ASTM D4684 (MRV TP-1) test is conducted at the original SAE J300 May 22, 2019 · But rather those develop by the API and ILSAC. Dec 1, 2021 · Dalam video ini menerangkan tentang perbezaan kategori api sn, api sn plus dan api sp yang terbaru. Dengan melihat kode API maka kita bisa melihat jenis oli untuk mesin apa dan kemampuan oli dalam melindungi mesin seperti apa. 6. This Zinc / Phos level is good for exhaust cats in an oil burner, but allows less ZDDP anti-wear adds, sort of win and lose. dan serba sedikit penerangan tentang jenis 7 test terhada A Evolução dos motores só é possível com a Evolução dos Lubrificantes. 7 %âãÏÓ 137 0 obj > endobj xref 137 82 0000000016 00000 n 0000002596 00000 n 0000002727 00000 n 0000003957 00000 n 0000003984 00000 n 0000004121 00000 n 0000004158 00000 n 0000004272 00000 n 0000007185 00000 n 0000008680 00000 n 0000010374 00000 n 0000012095 00000 n 0000012401 00000 n 0000012687 00000 n 0000013023 00000 n 0000013352 00000 n 0000015961 00000 n 0000018251 00000 n Learn everything you need to know about the International Lubricants Standardization and Approval Committee’s (ILSAC) new motor oil specification, ILSAC GF-6. Perlu diketahui, standar API SP merupakan standar pelumas mesin terbaru, yang dikeluarkan resmi oleh American Petroleum Institute (API). Tương tự như vậy, dầu nhớt động cơ diesel được phân thành các cấp API từ CC cho đến CJ (API CF, API CG, API CH, API CJ). Sep 4, 2020 · Các tiêu chuẩn API SP như API SM, API SN, và API SN Plus có thể thay thế (tương thích) cho các tiêu chuẩn API trước đó. Untuk POWER1 dan POWER1 Ultimate yang sebelumnya API-SN kini menjadi API-SP. API SP has additives to improve fuel economy and protect engine parts. Trân trọng cảm ơn quý khách hàng đã quan tâm ! Mọi chi tiết xin vui lòng liên hệ : ทำความรู้จักมาตรฐาน "API" ไปพร้อมกับ PERFORMA SUPER SYNTHETIC SAE 0W-40 2015 - 2020 Ford F150 - API SN PLUS VS SP Oil Rating - Anyone know the difference between these API ratings? I looked on the back of the Pennzoil Ultra Platinum bottle, I noticed it had the SP rating and i know for sure it had SN plus before. sn plus 또한 당시 gdi 엔진의 불량 노킹현상을 억제하는 기능이 추가되었을 뿐 기능향상은 미미한 제품입니다. Engine Oils Apr 15, 2020 · これまで何度もお伝えした「api sp規格オイル」ですが2020年5月からの施行前に再度わかりやすく解説します。上記グラフは現在多く使用されている「sn規格」と次期「sp規格」の規格上の性能比較です。ほぼ全てでsp規格が上回ります。 Any other API rating is obsolete. Jan 20, 2013 · We recommend Motorcraft motor oil for your vehicle. It’s always best to use a current rating to ensure reliable lubrication in your engine. Makanya di belakang kode API, ada 2 tambahan huruf. However, API motor oil standards are developed through a consensus-based approach that includes vehicle and engine manufacturers, technical organizations and oil marketers. SP is the newest API spec that replaces SN Plus to better address LSPI in gas direct injection engines and protect timing chain wear. Consulte as recomendações do fabricante do motor para determinar se os óleos API FA-4 são adequados. So one question is; if SP spec is so good for DI engines, why do the OEMs require it? Jul 23, 2020 · 目前市面上可以看到的機油等級有api sl、api sm、api sn,分別在2001年、2004年及2010年提出標準,機油的特性則從抗氧磨損、排放相容到酒精汽油持續增加演進,到了api sp等級,則在節能與高效方面有更高提升。 %PDF-1. However, as has been stated above, modern API SN and previous SM standards limit the Zn/P content in xW-20 adn xW-30 oils - which is why there some modern, currently produced API SL oils that contain more Zn/P (specifically talking about M1HM and Defy). The API requirements S for Spark Ignition (petrol) and C for Compression Ignition (diesel) can be briefly described as follows. Apr 3, 2013 · To be clear; a modern, currently produced API SN should be superior in virtually every aspect to the API SL oils of 10-12 years ago. Alternatively, a car from 2003 requiring API SL can safely use oils with specifications SJ, SM, SN, or SP. ILSAC GF-6A is suitable for vehicles that previously used GF-5 lubricants, while GF-6B is only compatible with engines built for this specific engine oil category. API singkatan dari America Petrolium Institute Service (API Service). Mobil 1 motor oils are so advanced they met the API SP performance standard since 2010. The API SN category is an improvement over the API SM category in the following areas: High temperature deposit protection for pistons; Better sludge control; Better seal compatibility; Aftertreatment compatibility; This means that API SN compares to API SM like this: API SN and API SM comparison chart A API SN é similar à ILSAC GF-5. (15) Required for API SP-RC, SN PLUS-RC/SN-RC, ILSAC GF-6A or GF-5. Para los motores de gasolina de automóviles, la última categoría de servicio de aceite para motor incluye Nov 17, 2022 · sn plus 등급에서 lspi 테스트가 추가. API-SO already existed I believe it was for older engines? It’s just the next generation of API’s oil certification. Oil - Kirkland (Warren) 15W40 SN/CK-4. (this is typically based on automotive usage) But when it comes to non-automotive usage (like motorcycles & lawn equipment,etc) that isn't always the case. The API SN category is an improvement over the API SM category in the following areas: High temperature deposit protection for pistons; Better sludge control; Better seal compatibility; Aftertreatment compatibility; This means that API SN compares to API SM like this: API SN and API SM comparison chart Die Wahl des richtigen Motoröls ist jetzt einfacher geworden. API-SP is better at preventing LSPI (low speed pre ignition) in direct injection engines. Moreover, moly was found to compete with ZDDP therefore one cannot say that high moly is better than low moly or high zinc is better than low zinc. Bên cạnh ban hành API SP, Viện Dầu khí Hoa Kỳ cũng đồng thời ra mắt tiêu chuẩn ILSAC GF-6 dành riêng cho các cấp nhớt tiết kiệm nhiên liệu như Ow20, 5w20, 5w30 và Las categorías de servicio del API actuales y anteriores se resumen en tablas prácticas. This is due to the requirements on fuel economy specifications set by the American Petroleum Institute (API). I recently found out about the relatively new API SP spec oils that are "beneficial" for DI engines. Os óleos API FA-4 não são intercambiáveis nem retrocompatíveis com os óleos API CK-4, CJ-4, CI-4 com CI-4 PLUS, CI-4 e CH-4. api sp. Specifications Aligned with API SP Standard. This new supplemental specification, known as API SN PLUS, includes the testing protocol for API SN and a special test for LSPI, the API Sequence IX test. These new, higher performance oil categories have been developed in response to several driving forces. Jul 14, 2024 · This is an API SN oil. However, there are some key differences between the two. . Last edited: Apr 16, 2019. Is API SP motor oil synthetic? Toyota Motor Oil SN and SP are both high-quality engine oils that meet or exceed the requirements of the American Petroleum Institute (API). API CJ-4 oils exceed the performance criteria of API CI-4 with CI-4 PLUS, CI-4, CH-4, CG-4 and CF-4 and can effectively lubricate engines calling for those API Service Categories. Mar 24, 2022 · API-SP will replace API-SN. It was developed in accordance with OEMs request for motor oils that can protect from the potentially catastrophic effects of Low-Speed Pre-Ignition (also known as LSPI, more info here ). SP sendiri sudah ditetapkan oleh API sejak 1 Mei 2020. Lamborghini. Licensed from May 1, 2018, API SN Plus is a new API classification that can be used alongside API SN, API SN with Resource Conserving and ILSAC GF-5. These benefits include: LSPI prevention: LSPI stands for Low Speed Pre-Ignition. API SP motor oil is the latest specification developed by the American Petroleum Institute for enhanced engine protection. RAY: By the way, oil designations that start with the letter S are for gasoline engines, and those that start with C are for diesel Ví dụ phẩm cấp API SN thì cao hơn SM ; SM cao hơn SL. The Quaker State DefyTM oils (5W-20, 5W-30, 10W-30) meet the API SL, while the thicker 10W-40 meets API SN. qaioik mhttkb yzdlqx vdeio eitz yfclbdwe lged znfkn bnw eqpkozp